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([1]第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生统计学教研室,上海200433 [2]上海市卫生局科教处,上海200002)
关键词:  探索性因子分析 结构效度 指标体系
Exploratory factor analysis in analyzing construct validity of performance evaluation system of clinical centers
MENG Hong, LIU Yang , ZHANG Kan , XU Ping , XU Tie-feng , WANG Jian-ping
(1. Department of Medical Statis-tics, Faculty of Military Medical Service, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2. Science and Teach-ing Section9 Public Health Bureau of Shanghai, Shanghai 200002)
Objective:To analyze the construct validity of performance evaluation system of clinical centers by exploratory factor analysis strategy, so as to provide evidence for optimizing the parameters of the evaluation system. Methods: Using the exploratory factor analysis method, we evaluated the construct validity of the constructed performance index system. Results: Factor analysis showed that the factor components (listed in an increasing importance order) were: discipline superiority, cultivation of talented persons, medical service, scientific research capability, and infrastructure construction, etc. (the cumulative contribution of the first 6 factors was 90.17 %). Most of index factor loadings matched with the meaning of their corresponding factors, indicating that the construct validity of the evaluation system was consistent with the expectation of its designers. Conclusion: The constructed clinical center performance evaluation system has a reasonable factor structure
Key words:  exploratory factor analysis  construct validity  index system