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(1.伊犁哈萨克自治州友谊医院神经内科,伊宁 835000; 2.新疆生产建设兵团农四师医院感染内科,伊宁 835000; 3.伊犁哈萨克自治州友谊医院心内科,伊宁 835000; 4.南京医科大学第一附属医院心内科,南京210029)
目的了解近10年来新疆维吾尔自治区伊犁哈萨克自治州察布查尔病(肉毒中毒)的分布现状,探讨防治对策。方法调查、收集近10年本地各级医疗机构收治察布查尔病的临床资料,对其各年度分布人数、地域分布、季节分布、引起肉毒中毒食物种类等资料进行统计分析。结果2000年至2009年本地区共发生察布查尔病患者89例,均为汉族,其中外地务工人员及子女54例(60.7%),外地迁入人员及子女23例(25.8%),本地区居民12例(13.5%)。本病年度与季节分布差异有统计学意义,其中2006年为分布高峰期(23.60%),2001年分布为最低(1.12%;χ2=53.652, P=0.000)。10年间伊犁地区察布查尔病在冬天分布最高(55.06%),在夏天分布最低(5.62%;χ2=52.618,P=0.000)。引起中毒的食物绝大部分是自制豆制品。结论新迁人口的不断增加可能是察布查尔病发病增加的重要因素,有效地控制自制豆制品的生产、食用是控制本病的重要措施。
关键词:  肉毒中毒  伊犁地区  流行病学
Botulism in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang: a 10-year epidemiological profile
Objective: To explore the epidemiological characteristics of botulism in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture during the recently 10 years. Methods: The data of botulism in the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture from 2000 to 2009 were collected and the epidemiological characteristics including seasonal, timely, regional distributions and the responsible foods vary were analyzed. Results: Totally, 89 cases of botulism were involved in this study. The incidence of botulism was significant differences among seasons and years respectively. During the 10-year study period, the number of cases was the greatest in 2006(22.47%), and the number of cases was the lowest in 2001(1.127%)(ⅹ2=53.652, p=0.000) .In addition, the number of botulism was the greatest in winter (55.06%) and the lowest in summer (5.62%)(ⅹ2=52.618, p=0.000). Consumption of home-made bean product which poisoned by Clostridium botulinum bacteria was the most frequent cause of botulism in this study. Conclusion: The key to the control and prevention of botulism is adequate processing and storage of food to destroy spores and prevent their germination and toxin production
Key words:  botulism  Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture  epidemiology