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(陕西省中医药研究院药理室,西安 710003
鸦胆子[Brucea javanica (L.) Merr.]为苦木科植物鸦胆子的干燥成熟果实,是一种常用中药,主要分布在我国福建、云南、广东等地及台湾地区。《医学衷中参西录》中写道: “鸦胆子,性善凉血止血,兼能化疲生新。凡痢之偏于热者用之皆有捷效,而以治下鲜血水之痢,则尤效,又善清胃腑之热,胃院有实热充塞,噤口不食者,服之即可进食”。鸦胆子油主要成分为脂肪酸,内含少许挥发油。鸦胆子油对多种肿瘤的生长有一定的抑制作用而少有肝功能损伤[1-2],临床应用亦证实在原发和转移性肿瘤的治疗中,鸦胆子油制剂也显示出较好的疗效[3]。本实验利用体外培养肺癌A549 细胞的方法, 研究新型制剂鸦胆子油自微乳剂对人肺癌细胞株A549增殖的影响, 为临床应用提供新的治疗思路和实验依据。
关键词:  鸦胆子油自微乳剂  肺肿瘤  细胞增殖  细胞周期
基金项目:陕西省“13115”科技创新工程重大科技项目 (2009ZDKG-82).
Inhibitory effect of Brucea javanica oil self-microemulsion preparation on proliferation of human lung cancer cell line A549
YANG Jie,ZHAO Lin-tao,LI Fan,LI Ye,SONG Yan-ping*
(Department of Pharmacology, Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute, Xi’an 710003, Shaanxi, China
*Corresponding author.)
【Abstract】 Objective: To investigate the inhibition effect of Brucea javanica oil self microemulsion on the p roliferation of human lung cancer cells. Methods: The human lung cancer cells A549 were cultivated with Brucea javanica oil self microemulsion . The effects of Brucea javanica oil self microemulsion on the proliferation of A549 cells were observed using MTT method and flow cytometry. Results: Brucea javanica oil self microemulsion could inhibit the growth of A549 cells in dose-dependent and time-dependentmanner . The cell cycle analysis showed that the percentage of G0 /G1 phase cells increased and S phase cells decreased. There was significant deviation (P<0.01) in interclass of the concentration of Brucea javanica oil emulsion 0.05mg/ml and 0.1mg/ml (P<0.01). The percentage of G2 / M phase cells decreased. Conclusion: Brucea javanica oil Self microemulsion could inhibit the proliferation of A549 cells in vitro and the mechanism may relate to its preventing the cell cycle in G0 /G1 phase.
Key words:  Brucea javanica oil self-microemulsion  lung neoplasms  cell proliferation  cell cycle