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目的:探索数据包络分析在部队卫生资源优化配置中的应用.方法:应用数据包络分析中的C2GS2模型对52个部队卫生机构进行技术有效性评价,并应用系统聚类方法进行技术有效性分型.在Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel x2检验分析战区、军兵种等混杂因素和Kruskal-Wallis H检验比较不同类型卫生机构卫生服务产出的基础上,应用Kruskal-Wallis H检验和相对比分析不同类型卫生机构卫生资源的数量和结构,查找卫生资源配置存在的主要问题,为卫生资源优化配置提供参考依据.结果:52个部队卫生机构技术有效性得分的中位数为0.84,技术有效机构为18个.52个部队卫生机构可分为4个技术有效类型:A型、B型、C型和D型,分别反映了技术有效性的"最优水平"、"平均水平"、"较低水平"和"最低水平".D型卫生机构各类卫生资源数量高于其他类型,结构上存在不合理现象,可参照A型或B型卫生机构卫生资源配置情况进行调整.结论:卫生资源优化配置可联合应用数据包络分析和其他统计学方法对研究对象进行技术有效性评价、分型和诊断,参照技术有效性高的卫生机构卫生资源配置状况调整技术有效性低的卫生机构卫生资源的数量和结构,实现优化配置.
关键词:  数据包络分析、卫生资源、资源配置、军队卫生
基金项目:全军医药科研"十五"规划课题(01Z101-2).Supported by "Tenth Five-Year Plan" Foundation for Medical Science Research of PLA(01Z101-2).
Application of data envelopment analysis in optimal allocation of military health resources
SHI Peng,ZHANG Luo-man,MENG Hong,SUN Qing-wen
Objective: To explore the application of data envelopment analysis in optimal allocation of military health resources. Methods: The relative technical efficiency of 52 military health service units (MHSUs) was assessed by C^2GS^2 model, a variable-return to scale, input oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA) method. MHSUs were classified with hierarchical clustering analysis. The confounding factors (geographic factor and arms of service) were analyzed using Coehran-Mantel-Haenszel X^2 test and the output of health service was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis H test; then the quantity of health resources of different types of MHSUs was compared using Kruskal-Wallis H test and the structure of the resources was analyzed with ratios of different items. Results: Eighteen of the 52 MHSUs were technical efficient and the median score was 0.84. The relative technical efficiencies of 52 MHSUs were clustered into 4 types: type A, type B, type C and type D, referring to the best performance, average performance, inferior performance and the worst performance, respectively. The quantity of type D MHSUs was higher than those of other types of MHSUs and the structure of type D MHSUs was unreasonable compared with other types of MHSUs. The quantity and structure of type D MHSUs could be adjusted according to those of the type A or type B MHSUs. Conclusion: Combined with other statistical methods, DEA can be used to evaluate, classify the relative technical efficiency and analyze the resource allocation of different types of decision making units (DMUs). The quantity and structure of health resource with inferior relative technical efficiency DMUs can be adjusted to optimize the allocation of health resources.
Key words:  data envelopment analysis, health resources  resource allocation  military hygiene