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(重庆市肿瘤医院腹部外科,重庆市肿瘤研究所,重庆 400030)
目的分析Toll作用蛋白(Toll-interacting protein,Tollip)在阑尾组织的表达及其在急性炎症中的意义。方法选择急性阑尾炎33例,以无炎症阑尾6例作对照(阑尾组织无炎性病理改变);阑尾切除术前1 h检测脉搏、体温(BT)、白细胞(WBC)计数和中性粒细胞(NEUT)计数;阑尾标本经H-E染色和病理检查确诊后分为4组(A组无炎症,B组单纯性炎症、C组化脓性炎症、D组坏疽性炎症),采用免疫组化染色和数字图像分析法对Tollip的蛋白表达进行定性、定位和半定量分析,并统计分析 Tollip与脉搏、BT、WBC及NEUT的相关性。结果按照病理类型分组,组间BT、WBC和NEUT存在显著差异(P<0.05);中性粒细胞低表达或不表达Tollip,Tollip主要表达于阑尾黏膜上皮和腺上皮细胞;阑尾从无炎症状态到发生单纯性炎症、化脓性炎症以及坏疽性炎症的过程中,Tollip的表达逐步升高,并与WBC显著相关(P<0.05)。结论在急性阑尾炎发生和发展过程中,阑尾组织局部的Tollip表达上调并与WBC升高等炎症全身反应密切相关。
关键词:  阑尾炎  Tollip  基因表达  炎症反应  免疫组织化学
Expression of Toll-interacting protein (Tollip) in appendix during acute appendicitis
XU Fa-liang*
(Department of Abdominal Surgery,Cancer Hospital of Chongqing,Chongqing Cancer Institute,Chongqing 400030,China)
ObjectiveTo observe the expression of Toll-interacting protein (Tollip) in appendix and analyze its significance during acute inflammation.MethodsThirty-three patients with acute appendicitis were included in the present study and 6 subjects with non-inflammatory appendixes were taken as controls (without inflammatory changes).The pulse rate,body temperature (BT),white blood cell (WBC) count and neutrophil (NEUT) count were observed one hour before appendectomy.Based on H-E staining and pathological examination,the appendix samples were divided into four groups:non-inflammatory appendix (A),simple appendicitis (B),suppurative appendicitis (C) and gangrenous appendicitis (D).The expression of Tollip protein (the localization,qualitative and semiquantitative analysis) was analyzed using immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis.The correlation of Tollip with pusle rate,BT,WBC and NEUT was also analyzed.ResultsSignificant differences in BT,WBC and NEUT were found between different pathological groups (P<0.05).Tollip protein was mainly expressed in the epithelium mucosa and glandular epithelium of appendix,but was not detected in the neutrophils.During the development of appendiceal inflammation (non-inflammatory appendix to simple appendicitis,to suppurative appendicitis,then to gangrenous appendicitis),the expression of Tollip protein gradually increased and was significantly correlated with WBC (P<0.05).ConclusionDuring the development and progression of acute appendicitis,Tollip expression is up-regulated in appendix tissues and is closely correlated with systemic responses of inflammation,such as the increase of WBC.
Key words:  appendicitis  Tollip  gene expression  inflammatory response  immunohistochemistry