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(1.北京军区天津疗养院医务处,天津 300191; 2.第二军医大学基础部数理学教研室,上海 200433; 3.第二军医大学卫生勤务学系军队卫生事业管理研究所,上海 200433; 4.第二军医大学训练部信息中心,上海 200433\[摘要\])
关键词:  面板数据  成本函数  军队医院  范围经济
Empirical study on the economies of scope of military hospitals based on panel data
SUN Jing1, SUN Qing-wen2, SUN Jin-hai3, NIAN Jun1, GUO Qiang4*,GUO Qiang
(1.Medical Department, Tianjing Sanatorium of PLA Beijing Military Area Command, Tianjin 300191, China; 2.Department of Mathematics and Physics, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China; 3.Institute of Military Health Administration, Faculty of Health Services, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China; 4.Information Center, Department of Training, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China)
ObjectiveTo measure the economies of scope of military hospitals in China.MethodsWe collected the panel data of 2005 to 2007 from 57 military hospitals, based on which we constructed the pooled regression model and time fixed effect regression model.The best cost function model was selected according to the result of hypothesis testing, and the model of economies of scope was constructed according to the conception of economies of scope.Then the parameters were estimated by econometric methods, and the coefficient estimates were used to calculate the economies of scope of hospitals of each category.ResultsThe hypothesis testing results of the two models showed that the pooled regression model was superior to the time fixed effect model.All the military hospitals included in the present study showed economies of scope; the larger and higher level the hospitals, the stronger economies of scope was.ConclusionLarge-scale hospitals can achieve better economies of scope by developing highly relevant main bussiness.
Key words:  panel data  cost function  military hospitals  economies of scope