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(第二军医大学基础部生理学教研室,上海 200433)
目的考察痛觉敏感性与体内雌孕激素水平的可能关系。方法将大鼠分为去卵巢组(8只)和去卵巢后雌激素替代组(8只),去卵巢组通过去卵巢手术降低大鼠体内卵巢激素水平,去卵巢后雌激素替代组在去卵巢手术后1周给予外源性雌激素替代。分别在两组大鼠足底注射P2Y1选择性激动剂2-MeSADP,通过行为学实验观察对大鼠足底机械痛阈的影响,并通过实时定量PCR研究2组大鼠背根神经节(DRG)中P2Y1受体mRNA表达的差别。结果与去卵巢组大鼠相比,雌激素替代组大鼠机械痛阈增高(P=0.014);足底注射P2Y1选择性激动剂2-MeSADP后,去卵巢组大鼠在注射药物前后痛阈无统计学差异,而雌激素替代组大鼠出现痛觉增敏。实时定量PCR结果表明雌激素替代组大鼠DRG P2Y1受体mRNA的表达高于去卵巢组大鼠(P<0.05)。结论雌激素可能通过促进DRG上P2Y1受体的表达从而影响外周机械痛阈。
关键词:  卵巢切除术  雌激素替代疗法  脊神经节  P2Y1受体  痛觉过敏
Up-regulation of P2Y1 receptors in dorsal root ganglion of ovariectomized rats after estradiol replacement
DU Di, WANG Li-peng, MA Bei*
(Department of Physiology, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China)
ObjectiveTo study the possible relation of pain perception with estrogen in rats. MethodsA total of 16 rats were equally divided into two groups: an ovariectomization group (OVX) and an ovariectomization plus E2-treatment group (OVX+E2). Animals in OVX group were ovariectomized to decrease the ovarian hormone level, and those in the OVX+E2 group were treated with estrogen one week after ovariectomization. 2-MeSADP, a selective agonist of P2Y1 receptor, was injected into the hindpaw of the rats in both groups. The mechanical pain thresholds were observed by behavioral tests, and the expression of P2Y1 in the dorsal root ganglia were examined by RT-PCR in the two groups. ResultsThe mechanical pain threshold of rats in OVX+E2 group was significantly increased compared with that of rats in OVX group(P=0.014). After 2-MeSADP injection, the mechanical pain threshold of rats in OVX group underwent no significant change, and that of rats in OVX+E2 group was deceased. RT-PCR result showed that P2Y1 mRNA expression in the DRG in OVX+E2 group was significantly increased compared with that in OVX group(P<0.05) .ConclusionOur findings indicate that estrogen may influence the peripheral mechanical pain threshold by increasing the expression of P2Y1 receptors in DRG.
Key words:  ovariectomy  estrogen replacement therapy  spinal ganglia  P2Y1 receptor  hyperalgesia