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睡眠剥夺对个体情绪图片认知评估的影响 |
李自强1,戈英男2,苏彤1,崔轶1,潘霄1,严进1,唐云翔1* |
(1. 第二军医大学心理与精神卫生学系医学心理学教研室, 上海 200433; 2. 第二军医大学心理队, 上海 200433 *通信作者) |
摘要: |
目的 探索睡眠剥夺对个体情绪图片主观评估的影响。方法 选取某高校43名本科生,随机分为睡眠剥夺组(n=23)和正常睡眠组(n=20),因正常睡眠组有2人未参加后测任务,1人前测数据丢失,故正常睡眠组最终纳入被试17人。睡眠剥夺组在前测结束后进行睡眠剥夺(22:00~次日08:00)。正常睡眠组不做干预。从国际情绪图片系统中选取正、中、负性图片共216张(前测108张,后测108张;每类图片36张),通过正负性情绪量表(PANAS)考察两组被试在前后2次测试中主观情绪的变化以及整晚睡眠剥夺对情绪图片主观评估的影响。结果 睡眠剥夺对正性和负性情绪图片的评分没有明显影响,但对中性图片的愉悦度评分存在负性偏倚,睡眠剥夺组对中性图片的愉悦度评分前、后测差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),而正常睡眠组前、后测差异无统计学意义(P=0.12);控制协变量主观情绪后,睡眠剥夺造成的对中性图片愉悦度评分上的负性偏倚依然存在;睡眠剥夺组被试对情绪图片的唤醒度评分大于正常睡眠组(P<0.05)。结论 睡眠在情绪评估过程中发挥着重要作用,睡眠剥夺可导致个体对中性刺激的评估发生负性偏倚。 |
关键词: 睡眠剥夺 情绪评估 国际情绪图片系统 前额叶皮质 情绪状态 |
DOI:10.16781/j.0258-879x.2017.02.0161 |
投稿时间:2016-11-14修订日期:2016-12-15 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81372122),上海市教育科学研究市级项目(B13028),军事科研“十二五”计划课题(13QJ003-005),全军心理卫生应用性科研课题重点项目(12XLZ109),军队“十二五”重大专项(AWS12J2003-8,AWS13J003). |
Effect of sleep deprivation on cognitive evaluation of affective picture |
LI Zi-qiang1,GE Ying-nan2,SU Tong1,CUI Yi1,PAN Xiao1,YAN Jin1,TANG Yun-xiang1* |
(1. Department of Medical Psychology, Faculty of Mental Health and Psychology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2. Team of Psychology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China *Corresponding author) |
Abstract: |
Objective To explore the effect of sleep deprivation (SD) on cognitive evaluation of affective picture. Methods Forty-three undergraduates were recruited and assigned to sleep deprivation group (n=23) and sleep control group (n=20). Because two students in the sleep control group did not participate in retest task and one student data of the test were lost, 17 people was eventually included in the sleep control group. The students in the sleep deprivation group received sleep deprivation at the end of the test (from 22:00 to next day 8:00). The sleep control group had no intervention. A total of 206 affective pictures (108 test and 108 retest) were selected from International Affective Picture System (IAPS) and categorized as positive, neutral and negative pictures. The Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) was used to investigate the subjective mood ratings of participants at test and retest in two groups and to evaluate the effect of SD on cognitive evaluation of affective pictures. Results SD showed no significant effect on the evaluation of positive and negative pictures, but it showed a negative bias in valence ratings for neutral pictures, with significant difference found for neutral pictures between test and retest in sleep deprivation group (P<0.01), but not in the sleep control group (P=0.12). After controlling covariance subjective emotion, the negative bias caused by SD still existed for the neutral pictures. The arousal ratings for affective pictures in sleep deprivation group was significantly higher than that in sleep control group (P<0.05). Conclusion Our Results indicate that sleep is important in emotional evaluation, and SD can lead to a negative bias for neutral stimuli. |
Key words: sleep deprivation emotional evaluation International Affective Picture System prefrontal cortex emotional state |