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(1. 第二军医大学卫生勤务学系卫生勤务学教研室, 上海 200433;
2. 第二军医大学长海医院烧伤科, 上海 200433
目的 探讨海上前沿外科手术队的编配方案,推算相应的技战术指标。方法 借鉴外军前沿外科手术队的理念与经验,通过头脑风暴法和德尔菲法进行勤务咨询,构建海上前沿外科手术队的概念模型和3种编配方案。运用专业仿真软件ProModel对3种方案进行仿真与优化。结果 方案1:适用于1张手术台,编配6人,术后床位2张,昼夜伤员通过量为10人。方案2:适用于2张手术台,编配10人,术后床位4张,昼夜手术量为21人。方案3:适用于3张手术台,编配15人,术后床位6张,昼夜手术量为31人。结论 3种方案的提出、仿真和优化为海上前沿外科手术队的建设提供了决策支持。
关键词:  海上前沿外科手术队  ProModel  利用率  仿真模型
Simulation and optimization of navy forward surgical team allocation scheme on the sea
XING Hai1,JIANG Lei1,DENG Yue-xian1,MA Bing2,QIN Chao1*
(1. Department of Health Service, Faculty of Health Services, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China;
2. Department of Burns, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China
*Corresponding author)
Objective To explore the allocation scheme of the navy forward surgical team (NFST) and to obtain the related technical and tactic indicators on the sea. Methods We borrowed the theory and experience of foreign forward surgical team and conducted service consultation through Brainstorm method and Delphi method; we created the conceptual model of NFST, including three allocation schemes. The professional simulation software ProModel was used to simulate and modify these schemes. Results The first scheme (Scheme 1) was used for one surgical bed, 6 medical staffs and 2 post-surgical beds, with the daily number of surgical patients being 10. The second scheme (Scheme 2) was used for two surgical beds, 10 medical staffs and 4 post-surgical beds, with the daily number of surgical patients being 21. The third scheme (Scheme 3) was used for three surgical beds, 15 medical staffs and 6 post-surgical beds, with the daily number of surgical patients being 31. Conclusion The proposal, simulation and optimization of three allocation scheme in this study can help the decision-making in the establishment of NFST.
Key words:  navy forward surgical team  ProModel  utilization  simulation model