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(海军军医大学(第二军医大学)卫生勤务学系军队卫生事业管理学教研室, 上海 200433
目的 规范分析"心理动员"的概念。方法 运用规范分析法、文本分析及逻辑归纳与演绎,进行"心理动员"概念的规范分析。结果 实定法中将"心理动员"纳入政治动员,理论研究存在进行心理动员所运用方法上的不同,以往战争中已运用了心理动员实践。结论 "心理动员"是指运用心理学理论和方法,有计划、有组织、有步骤地对人的心理施加影响,使人们的意志、情感、情绪、心态由平时向战时调适,从而提高战场心理适应能力的一种动员形式。
关键词:  国防动员  心理动员  规范分析  精神卫生
Normative analysis of the definition of psychological mobilization
GU Ren-ping*
(Department of Military Health Administration, Faculty of Military Health Service, Naval Medical University(Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200433, China
*Corresponding author)
Objective To conduct normative analysis of the definition of psychological mobilization. Methods Normative analysis, text analysis and logic induction and deduction were used to analyze the definition of psychological mobilization. Results Psychological mobilization was included in political mobilization in law. Different methods were used in theoretical research of psychological mobilization. Psychological mobilization had been applied in wars in the past. Conclusion Psychological mobilization refers to a mobilization form that applies psychological theories and methods to influence people's psychology in a planned, organized and step by step way, so that the mental state of the military and civilian can be changed from the normal state to the wartime state, improving the psychological adaptability of the battlefield.
Key words:  national defense mobilization  psychological mobilization  normative analysis  mental health