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(海军军医大学(第二军医大学)东方肝胆外科医院药材科, 上海 200438
目的 建立高效液相色谱(HPLC)梯度洗脱方法同时测定瑞香狼毒中狼毒色原酮、新狼毒素A、狼毒素、异狼毒素及7-甲氧基新狼毒素A 5种黄酮类成分的含量。方法 采用HPLC-二极管阵列检测器(HPLC-DAD)法,色谱柱为Agilent Eclipse Plus C18 (3.0 mm×100 mm,3.5 μm);流动相A为0.1%甲酸水溶液,流动相B为纯乙腈,洗脱梯度为0~6 min 20% B、6~10 min 20%~35% B、10~50 min 35% B;流速为0.4 mL/min;平衡时间设置为10 min;采集时间为50 min;柱温为25℃;DAD检测波长为290 nm;进样量为5 μL。结果 狼毒色原酮、新狼毒素A、狼毒素、异狼毒素及7-甲氧基新狼毒素A在该条件下分离良好,分别在4.680~468.0、2.016~201.6、3.784~378.4、5.520~552.0、0.974~97.40 μg/mL浓度范围内线性关系良好,且其精密度、稳定性、重复性和回收率均良好。结论 HPLC-DAD法稳定性、重复性好,可用于测定瑞香狼毒中狼毒色原酮、新狼毒素A、狼毒素、异狼毒素及7-甲氧基新狼毒素A 5种黄酮类成分的含量。
关键词:  高效液相色谱法  狼毒色原酮  新狼毒素A  狼毒素  异狼毒素  7-甲氧基新狼毒素A
High-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector in determination of five flavonoids in Stellera chamaejasme L.
CHEN Jun,DU Hong-li,ZHOU Jin,LÜ Lei,LI Cheng-jian,PAN Li-ming,ZHAO Liang*
(Department of Pharmacy, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, Navy Medical University(Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200438, China
*Corresponding author)
Objective To develop a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for simultaneous determination of five flavonoids (chamaechromone, neochamaejasmin A, chamaejasmine, isochamaejasmin and 7-methoxylneochaejasmin A) in the extraction of Stellera chamaejasme L.. Methods An HPLC-diode array detector (DAD) method was established. The HPLC-DAD condition was as follows:chromatographic column was Agilent Eclipse Plus C18 (3.0 mm×100 mm, 3.5 μm); mobile phase A was 0.1% formic acid-water solution; mobile phase B was acetonitrile; gradient of acetonitrile was 20% (0-6 min), 20%-35% (6-10 min) and 35% (10-50 min); flow rate was 0.4 mL/min; equilibration time was 10 min; acquisition time was 50 min; column temperature was 25℃; DAD detection wavelength was 290 nm; and sample injection volume was 5 μL. Results Chamaechromone, neochamaejasmin A, chamaejasmine, isochamaejasmin and 7-methoxylneochaejasmin A were successfully separated using this method, with good linear relationship between 4.680-468.0, 2.016-201.6, 3.784-378.4, 5.520-552.0 and 0.974-97.40 μg/mL, respectively. The precision, stability, repeatability and recovery of the five flavonoids were good with this method. Conclusion HPLC-DAD has good stability and repeatability, and can be used to determine the contents of five flavonoids (chamaechromone, neochamaejasmin A, chamaejasmine, isochamaejasmin and 7-methoxylneochaejasmin A) in Stellera chamaejasme L..
Key words:  high-performance liquid chromatography  chamaechromone  neochamaejasmin A  chamaejasmine  isochamaejasmin  7-methoxylneochaejasmin A