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(上海中医药大学基础医学院, 上海 201203
关键词:  人工智能  大数据  中国传统医学  诊断  治疗  四诊信息
Diagnosis and treatment technologies of traditional Chinese medicine: application and prospect in context of artificial intelligence
CUI Ji,XU Jia-tuo*
(Basic Medical College, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China
*Corresponding author)
The modernization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) diagnosis and treatment technology relies on the development of modern science and technology. Based on the TCM theory of syndrome differentiation and treatment, supported by modern diagnostic technology of TCM, the data-based TCM diagnosis and treatment are informationized and intelligentized with the aid of artificial intelligence technology. Meanwhile, through the research on the diagnosis, treatment, and efficacy evaluation of TCM syndromes and disease, by combining the disease with TCM syndrome on diagnosis-treatment and by exchanging the data of TCM and western medicine, modern diagnostic technology and intelligent diagnosis-treatment system with the characteristics of TCM can be established, which can maximize the advantages of human-computer cooperation. Finally, an intelligent TCM diagnosis and treatment decision-making system with the connotation of syndrome differentiation is established to provide intelligent decision for TCM in clinic and to explore the innovative diagnosis-treatment mode of TCM diseases and syndromes. At the same time, the research of intelligent TCM diagnosis and treatment technology will also promote the rule of TCM diagnosis and treatment, accelerate the leap-forward development of TCM diagnosis and treatment technology, solve the main problems of the modernization of TCM diagnosis and treatment, and promote the modernization of TCM. In this paper, we summarized the current status and trends of the combination of TCM diagnosis and treatment and artificial intelligence technology.
Key words:  artificial intelligence  big data  traditional Chinese medicine  diagnosis  therapy  four diagnostic information