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(1. 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)心理系航海心理学教研室, 上海 200433;
2. 海军南海舰队 91878 部队, 湛江 524002;
3. 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)海军特色医学中心, 上海 200433
目的 探讨水面舰艇环境对战士注意力、领悟理解力和记忆力的影响。方法 整群抽样法抽取某舰艇部队191名水面舰艇战士作为研究对象,以某基地160名舰艇岸勤战士作为对照。分别通过基础心理学测量仪器、韦克斯勒成人智力量表中文修订版中的领悟力测验分量表及韦克斯勒成人记忆量表中文修订版中的图片回忆能力测验测量被试的注意力、领悟理解力和记忆力。结果 水面舰艇战士注意分配任务总错误次数高于舰艇岸勤战士(P<0.01),水面舰艇多期士官注意分配任务总错误次数低于水面舰艇士兵(P<0.01)。水面舰艇战士领悟理解力得分低于舰艇岸勤战士(P<0.01),水面舰艇多期士官领悟理解力得分高于水面舰艇士兵(P<0.05)和水面舰艇一期士官(P<0.05)。水面舰艇战士和舰艇岸勤战士的图片回忆能力得分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),水面舰艇士兵、一期士官、多期士官的图片回忆能力差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 水面舰艇战士的注意力和领悟理解力均低于舰艇岸勤战士,但记忆力在两组对象间差异不明显。
关键词:  舰艇  军事人员  注意力  领悟力  记忆力
Effects of surface warship environment on cognitive function of soldiers
WEI Cun1,SHI Jian-li2,SHEN Xing-hua3*
(1. Department of Naval Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200433, China;
2. No. 91878 Troop, South China Sea Fleet of PLA Navy, Zhanjiang 524002, Guangdong, China;
3. Naval Medical Center, Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200433, China
*Corresponding author)
Objective To explore the effects of surface warship environment on attention ability, comprehension ability and memory of soldiers.Methods A total of 191 surface warship soldiers were selected by cluster sampling method, and 160 on shore soldiers were enrolled as controls. The attention ability, comprehension ability and memory were measured by basic psychological measuring instrument, comprehension test subscale in Wechsler adult intelligence scaleChinese revised and picture recall subtest in Wechsler adult memery scale.Results The total number of errors in paying attention to assigned tasks of surface warship soldiers was significantly higher than those of on shore soldiers (P<0.01) and senior noncommissioned officers of surface warships (P<0.01). Surface warship soldiers had significantly lower scores of comprehension ability than on shore soldiers (P<0.01). The comprehension ability scores of senior noncommissioned officers of surface warships were significantly higher than those of surface warship soldiers (P<0.05) and the junior noncommissioned officers of surface warship (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the score of picture recall ability between surface warship soldiers and on shore soldiers (P>0.05), or among surface warship soldiers, the junior noncommissioned officers and senior noncommissioned officers of surface warships (P>0.05).Conclusion The surface warship soldiers’ attention and comprehension abilities are significantly lower than those of on shore soldiers, and there is no significant difference in memory between the 2 groups.
Key words:  warship  military personnel  attention  comprehension  memory