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(空军军医大学军事医学心理学系, 西安 710032
目的 通过静息态功能性近红外光谱成像(fNIRS)探索阳极高精度经颅直流电刺激(HD-tDCS)刺激右侧额下回(rIFG)后反应抑制皮质静息态功能连接和脑网络属性的变化。方法 采用2(刺激类型:rIFG刺激vs假刺激)×2(检测时间:刺激前测vs刺激后测)的两因素混合试验设计。招募48名健康大学生,随机平均分为rIFG刺激组和假刺激组,每组24人。在单次阳极HD-tDCS(1.25 mA,20 min)刺激rIFG前后,使用静息态fNIRS记录7 min的氧合血红蛋白、去氧血红蛋白(HbR)和总血红蛋白(HbT)信号变化,对反应抑制关键皮质rIFG和右侧前辅助运动区(pre-SMA)进行感兴趣区到感兴趣区(ROI2ROI)功能连接、功能连接矩阵和脑网络效率指标分析。结果 基于HbR信号的ROI2ROI功能连接分析显示,与假刺激组相比,rIFG刺激组rIFG与右侧pre-SMA之间的功能连接增强(P<0.05);功能连接矩阵分析显示rIFG刺激组通道2-通道24功能连接较假刺激组增强(P<0.001)。基于HbT信号的图论分析结果显示,rIFG刺激组通道1、5、8、9、12、19、26的节点效率delta值大于假刺激组(校正P均<0.05)。结论 阳极 HD-tDCS刺激rIFG可以使rIFG和右侧pre-SMA之间功能连接增强、反应抑制皮质网络中节点的节点效率增加。
关键词:  功能性近红外光谱成像  经颅直流电刺激  静息态  反应抑制  功能连接
Effects of anodal high definition transcranial direct current stimulation on response inhibition related cortices: evidence from resting-state functional near-infrared spectroscopy
GUO Zhi-hua,QIU Rui,QIU Hua-ke,ZHU Xia*
(Department of Military Medical Psychology, Air Force Medical University, Xi'an 710032, Shaanxi, China
*Corresponding author)
Objective To investigate the changes of resting-state functional connectivity and brain network metrics in the response inhibition-related cortices after anodal high definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) on the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) by resting-state functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) imaging. Methods The experiment followed a 2 (stimulation type: rIFG stimulation vs sham stimulation)×2 (detecting time: pre-stimulation vs post-stimulation) 2-factor mixed design. A group of 48 healthy college students were enrolled and randomly divided into rIFG stimulation and sham stimulation groups (n=24). Resting-state fNIRS was used to record the changes of oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin (HbR) and total hemoglobin (HbT) signals for 7 min before and after a single anodic HD-tDCS (1.25 mA, 20 min) stimulation of rIFG. The functional connectivity from region of interest to region of interest (ROI2ROI), functional connectivity matrices, and brain network efficiency indicators were analyzed for the key cortices of response inhibition (rIFG and right pre-supplementary motor area [pre-SMA]). Results The ROI2ROI functional connectivity analysis based on HbR signals showed that compared with the sham stimulation group, the functional connectivity between rIFG and right pre-SMA was significantly elevated in the rIFG stimulation group (P<0.05); the results of the functional connectivity matrix analysis revealed that the functional connectivity between channel 2 and channel 24 was significantly improved in the rIFG stimulation group than that in the sham stimulation group (P<0.001). The graph theory analysis based on HbT signals showed that the nodal efficiency delta values of channels 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 19 and 26 in the rIFG stimulation group were significantly higher than those in the sham stimulation group (all corrected P<0.05). Conclusion Anodal HD-tDCS on the rIFG significantly enhances the functional connectivity between rIFG and right pre-SMA and increases the nodal efficiency of the response inhibition cortical network.
Key words:  functional near-infrared spectroscopy  transcranial direct current stimulation  resting-state  response inhibition  functional connectivity