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(1. 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)第二附属医院医学心理科, 上海 200003;
2. 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)第二附属医院神经内科, 上海 200003
目的 调查学习困难青少年学习倦怠、心理健康和应对方式状况,分析其影响因素,为预防和纠正青少年学习困难问题提供指导。方法 对102名学习困难青少年进行问卷调查,采用自编问卷采集一般情况,用青少年学习倦怠量表、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、中学生应对方式量表3个标准化量表分别调查学习倦怠、心理健康和应对方式状态。比较不同人口学特征学习困难青少年在学习倦怠、心理健康和应对方式得分上的差异,并采用线性回归分析探讨学习倦怠、心理健康和应对方式的影响因素。结果 102名学习困难青少年的青少年学习倦怠量表总分为(55.71±9.86)分,SCL-90总均分为(2.60±0.80)分,中学生应对方式量表的问题解决因子得分为(19.11±6.08)分、求助因子得分为(19.94±10.22)分、忍耐因子得分为(8.86±2.06)分、退避因子得分为(14.31±4.15)分、发泄因子得分为(10.35±3.06)分、幻想因子得分为(6.75±3.22)分。女性比男性学习倦怠和心理健康问题更严重,男性比女性更倾向于使用问题解决的应对方式(均P<0.05);家庭经济情况较差的个体更倾向于使用发泄的应对方式,家庭经济情况较好的个体更倾向于使用幻想的应对方式(均P<0.05);家庭关系较好的个体学习倦怠程度较轻,家庭关系较差的个体更倾向于使用发泄的应对方式(均P<0.05);来自离异家庭的个体心理健康问题较严重,来自完整家庭的个体更倾向于使用问题解决的应对方式(均P<0.05);成长过程中间遭遇过重大变故的个体学习倦怠程度和心理健康问题更严重(均P<0.05);夜间睡眠时长较短的个体学习倦怠和心理健康问题较严重(均P<0.05);2019年至今没有经历过因新型冠状病毒感染疫情封控隔离的个体更倾向于使用问题解决的应对方式(P<0.05)。线性回归分析显示,性别、家庭关系、夜间睡眠时长是学习倦怠的影响因素(均P<0.05),夜间睡眠时长、成长变故、性别是心理健康的影响因素(均P<0.05),家庭结构是应对方式中问题解决方式的影响因素,家庭关系是应对方式中发泄方式的影响因素(均P<0.05)。结论 学习困难青少年存在明显的学习倦怠、心理健康状况不佳,性别、家庭关系、睡眠时长等因素是做好学习困难青少年心理健康管理工作需重点关注的问题。
关键词:  青少年  学习困难  学习倦怠  心理健康  应对方式
Status and influencing factors of learning burnout, mental health, and coping styles among adolescents with learning difficulties
YU Menghang1△,CHENG Wenbin2△,WANG Yajing1,BAI Yonghai1,PAN Xiao1*
(1. Department of Medical Psychology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200003, China;
2. Department of Neurology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200003, China
Co-first authors.
* Corresponding author)
Objective To investigate the status of learning burnout, mental health and coping styles of adolescents with learning difficulties, and analyze its influencing factors, so as to provide guidance for preventing and correcting adolescents’ learning difficulties. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 102 adolescents with learning difficulties. The general information was collected with a self-designed questionnaire. The learning burnout, mental health and coping styles were investigated by the adolescent learning burnout scale, symptom checklist 90 (SCL-90), and middle school students’ coping style scale. The scores of learning burnout, mental health and coping styles among adolescents with learning difficulties with different demographic characteristics were compared, and linear regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of learning burnout, mental health and coping styles. Results The total score of adolescent learning burnout scale of 102 adolescents with learning difficulties was 55.71±9.86, and the average score of SCL-90 was 2.60±0.80. In coping styles, the score of problem solving was 19.11±6.08, seeking help was 19.94±10.22, enduring was 8.86±2.06, avoiding was 14.31±4.15, venting was 10.35±3.06, and fantasizing was 6.75±3.22. Females were more likely to suffer from learning burnout and mental health problems, while males were more likely to use problem solving coping style (all P<0.05). Individuals with poor family economic status were more likely to use venting coping style, while those with better family economic status were more likely to use fantasizing coping style (both P<0.05). Individuals with good family relationship had less learning burnout, while those with poor family relationship were more inclined to use venting coping style (both P<0.05). Individuals from divorced families had more serious mental health problems, while those from intact families were more inclined to use problem solving coping style (both P<0.05). Learning burnout and mental health problems were more serious in individuals who experienced major changes during their growth period (both P<0.05). Individuals with shorter nighttime sleep duration had more serious learning burnout and mental health problems (both P<0.05). Those who had not experienced lockdown or isolation during the epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 were more likely to use problem solving coping style (P<0.05). Linear regression analysis showed that gender, family relationship and nighttime sleep duration were the influencing factors of learning burnout (all P<0.05). Nighttime sleep duration, major changes during the growth period and gender were the influencing factors of mental health (all P<0.05). Family situation was the influencing factor of problem solving in coping styles, and family relationship was the influencing factor of venting in coping styles (both P<0.05). Conclusion Adolescents with learning difficulties have obvious learning burnout and poor mental health. Factors such as gender, family relationship, and sleep duration should be emphasized in the future.
Key words:  adolescents  learning difficulties  learning burnout  mental health  coping styles