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(1. 上海理工大学健康科学与工程学院, 上海 200093;
2. 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)海军特色医学中心, 上海 200433
目的 开发一套完整系统以监测飞行员持续性正加速度引发的意识丧失(G-LOC)并及时唤醒,从而缩短飞行员空中失能时间。方法 本系统采用 MPU6050惯性传感器和无锡市思知瑞科技有限公司生产的肌肉传感器实时获取飞行员所处环境的头部姿态和肌电特征,完成了系统硬件设计、主程序设计、头部姿态监测模块设计、肌电信号采集处理模块和上位机界面显示设计,并进行系统测试和离心机测试。系统测试通过预先采集被试2 min静息状态和肌肉收缩状态下的肌电信号、人体平视前方和极力低头的头部姿态角,个性化设定肌电信号和头部姿态角度的阈值,加速度阈值为测试环境下的重力加速度。离心机测试是通过在动物离心机上摆放姿态角的位置模拟人体抬头与低头的过程,加速度阈值设为3 G,此测试环境的正加速度为4、6、8 G。结果 该系统能实时捕捉被测人员的头部姿态和肌电信号的生理特征,并及时发出语音提醒,在规定时间内未得到反馈(抬头、 肌电恢复)能立即进入警报唤醒模式,且能在离心机上使用。结论 该系统的功能完备、逻辑完整、实用性强,进一步实验完善后有实际应用的可能。
关键词:  正加速度  意识丧失  头部姿态  肌电信号  唤醒
A monitoring and arousal system for loss of consciousness based on head posture and electromyographic signals
WU Chi1,2,YAO Yongjie2*
(1. School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China;
2. Naval Medical Center, Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200433, China
*Corresponding author)
Objective To develop a full system to monitor G-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) of pilots caused by continuous positive acceleration and wake up them in time, so as to shorten the airborne unconsciousness time of pilots. Methods The system used MPU6050 sensor and SICHIRAY muscle sensor to obtain the head posture and electromyogram (EMG) characteristics of the pilot’s environment in real time. After system hardware design, main program design, head posture monitoring module design, EMG signal acquisition and processing module and upper computer interface display design, the system test and centrifuge test were carried out. The system test set the threshold of the EMG signal and the head posture angle by collecting the EMG signals of the subjects 2 min at rest and under muscle contraction and the head posture angle of the human body looking forward and bowing as hard as possible, and the acceleration threshold was the gravity acceleration in the test environment. The centrifuge test simulated the process of raising and bowing of the human body by placing the position of the attitude angle on the animal centrifuge. The acceleration threshold was set at 3 G, and the positive acceleration of this test environment was 4, 6, and 8 G. Results The system could capture the head posture and the physiological characteristics of EMG signals in real time, send out voice reminders in time, and could immediately enter the alarm wake-up mode when failed to receive feedback (head up, EMG recovery) within fixed time. And it could be used on centrifuges. Conclusion This system has complete function, complete logic and strong practicability. It is possible for practical application after further experimental improvement.
Key words:  positive acceleration  unconsciousness  head posture  electromyographic signals  arousal