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目的:探讨伤员创伤严重度与药品消耗之间的关系,为客观地描述战时药材需求和需求分布提供一种有用的方法。方法:运用简明损伤严重度评分法(AIS-ISS)和反映药物利用的约定日剂量(DDD),研究“两山”作战中后方医院收治伤员的伤势和药品(抗感染药物)消耗的规律。结果:建立了战伤严重度ISS值和抗感染药品消耗DDD数的数学模型,其关系式为:Y=16.99ln X-0.53,决定系数r2=0.663 7,P<0.01。在ISS的一定范围内,抗感染药的使用频度随伤势的严重度增加而加大,且随着伤势的进一步加重,抗感染药物的使用有一个饱和的趋势。 结论:解决了对伤员伤势难以量化的限制,对于揭示后方医院战伤救治药品消耗的一般规律具有实际意义。本方法具有使用方便、可操作性强的优点。
关键词:  抗感染药  药品消耗、创伤评分  模型,统计学
Studies on regulation and methodology of battlefield first-aid medicine consumption in rear hospital
Objective: To study the relation between medicine consumption and the injury severity. Methods: The use of medicine and the injury conditions of soldiers in the rear hospital in the Two Mountains Fight were investigated. And the Abbreviated Injury Scale and Injury Severity Score(AIS-ISS) was applied to quantify the condition of the injuries. Defined Daily Dose(DDD) was introduced as the consumption unit. Results: Analyzed by SAS software, the model between ISS(X) and DDDs(Y) was established: Y=16.99lnX-0.53. r2=0.663 7, P<0.01.It showed that in the particular scope of ISS, the frequency of antibiotics administration rose up with the increase of the injury severity, and it tended to saturate as the severity went worse. Conclusion: For the first time ISS is used to analyze medical supplies consumption, the multi-factors are transformed into mono-factor affecting medical supplies in wartime. It is a good solution to the problem of how to measure injury severity. The general rule of medicine consumption is discovered in rear hospital. The method is easy use.
Key words:  antibiotic  medicine consumption  trauma scoring  models, statistical