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目的:观察大豆异黄酮对60Co-γ射线引起小鼠肝组织过氧化损伤的影响.方法:实验根据体质量将80只雌性昆明小鼠随机均分为5组,即正常对照、阳性对照(单纯辐照组)及低、中、高剂量大豆异黄酮实验组(50、100、400 mg/kg).辐照前正常对照、阳性对照组及实验组每天分别以溶剂0.5%羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)和不同剂量大豆异黄酮连续灌胃14 d,灌胃至第7天,除正常对照组外,其余各组小鼠均接受4.56 Gy60Co-γ全身性照射1次,照射后继续灌胃2 d及7 d后杀鼠取肝组织作生化分析.结果:照射后第2天100、400 mg/kg大豆异黄酮组及照射后第7天3个浓度大豆异黄酮组显著提高肝细胞质过氧化氢酶的活性(P<0.05);照射后第7天100 mg/kg大豆异黄酮组的肝组织谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性有显著提高(P<0.05);照射后第2天50 mg/kg大豆异黄酮使肝组织总超氧化物歧化酶活性显著下降(P<0.05),其余各组间无显著差异;照射后第7天100 mg/kg大豆异黄酮使肝组织丙二醛含量下降,与对照组有显著差异(P<0.05),照射后第2天各照射组肝组织丙二醛含量有一过性升高,但第7天实验组已降至正常水平.结论:大豆异黄酮可提高受照小鼠肝组织的抗氧化能力,但不呈量效关系.
关键词:  肝损伤、γ射线、自由基、抗氧化酶、大豆异黄酮
Effects of soybean isoflavone on liver oxidative stress resulting from 60Co-gamma rays
To study the effect of soybean isoflavone on liver oxidative stress resulting from 60Co-gamma rays. Methods: Totally 80 normal female Kunming mice were evenly randomized into 5 groups according to body weight: 3 intervention groups, single irradiation group and normal control group. The normal group and single irradiation groups were given 0.5% CMC-Na, and the 3 intervention groups were given different doses of soybean isoflavone (50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg) respectively for 14 d. The whole body of single irradiation group and intervention groups were subjected to 4.56 Gy 60Co-γ radiation once on the 7th day, and then the mice were killed on the 2nd day and the 7th day after radiation. Results: The CAT activity of liver tissue of 100,400 mg/kg intervention groups and 3 SI groups were significantly increased on the 2nd day and 7th day after irradiation(P<0.05), respectively; the GSH-Px activity of 100 mg/kg SI group was significantly increased(P<0.05) on the 7th day after irradiation; the T-SOD activity of 50 mg/kg SI group was significantly decreased (P<0.05) on the 2nd day after irradiation,while no difference was observed among remaining groups. The MDA content of 100 mg/kg group was significantly decreased on the 7th day after radiation compared with control group, and MDA content of each group subjected to irradiation were increased on the 2nd day after irradiation,but 3 SI groups nearly decreased to normal level on the 7th day after irradiation. Conclusion: The soybean isoflavone can enhance the antioxidant capability of mice, but it does not show a dose-effect relationship.
Key words:  liver injury  γ ray  free radicals  antioxidant-enzyme  soybean isoflavone