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(第二军医大学属长海医院特需诊疗科,上海 200433)
目的:研究人类非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)组织中ATP合酶F1ATPaseα的表达,并探讨其临床意义。方法:(1)以EnVision免疫组织化学方法检测38例NSCLC配对标本、7例肺良性肿瘤与肺炎性病变标本的F1ATPaseα表达情况。(2)应用RTPCR方法检测12例NSCLC组织、癌旁肺组织中F1ATPaseα的mRNA表达。(3)用免疫荧光法检测F1ATPaseα在正常支气管上皮细胞与A549细胞胞膜中的表达。 结果:(1) F1ATPaseα在肺癌组织呈中高度表达者36例(36/38),低度表达2例;癌旁正常配对组织成呈中高度表达11例(11/38),低度表达27例;7例肺良性病变组织全部低度表达。肺腺癌F1ATPaseα的高表达显著高于肺鳞癌(11/16 vs 5/20,P<0.05)。F1ATPaseα高表达率在肿瘤不同部位、分化程度、大小、淋巴结转移及临床分期之间差异无统计学意义。(2) 12例肺癌组织中F1ATPaseα mRNA相对表达量为0.54±0.19,显著高于配对的癌旁肺组织(0.31±0.12,P<0.01)。(3) 肺癌A549细胞胞膜上有颗粒状分布的F1ATPaseα,正常支气管上皮细胞未检测到。结论:(1)F1ATPaseα在NSCLC中有相对较高的表达水平。(2)F1ATPaseα表达于非小细胞肺癌A549细胞株的细胞膜上,提示有作为靶向药物治疗分子靶点的潜力。
关键词:  ATP合成酶复合物  癌,非小细胞肺  免疫组织化学;免疫荧光化学
Expression of F1ATPase-α in non small cell lung cancer and its clinical significance
ZHU Hai-mo,LI Min-yu, SHI Ping, ZHOU Jun-ping, LOU Guo-liang*
(Department of Special Clinic, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China)
Objective:To study the expression of F1ATPaseα in nonsmall cell lung cancer and its clinical significance. Methods: (1)The expression level of F1ATPaseα was examined by immunohistochemical Envision method in 38 NSCLC samples and the adjacent normal tissues, 7 benign tumors and chronic pneumonia samples. (2)F1ATPaseα mRNA expression were detected in 12 fresh samples of NSCLC and the adjacent normal tissues by PTPCR.(3)The expression of F1ATPaseα on the pericellular membrane of A549 cells was observed by immunofluorescence. Results: (1)Immunohistochemistry analysis showed median and higher expression of F1ATPaseα in 36 of NSCLC specimens and 11 adjacent normal tissues; lower expression was detected in all the benign samples.The overexpression of F1ATPaseα in lung adenocarcinoma tissues were significantly higher than that in the lung squamous cancer (P<0.05). The expression of F1ATPaseα in NSCLC was not associated with the histology type, location, differentiation degree, size, invasion and metastasis. (2) The relative level of ECTOF1ATPaseα was 0.31±0.12 in the adjacent normal tissues and 0.54±0.19 in NSCLC tissues (P<0.01). (3)The conspicuous positive expression of F1ATPaseα on the pericellular membrane of A549 cells was not observed on normal bronchial epithelial cells.Conclusion: (1)NSCLC has a higher expression of F1ATPaseα and the expression is on the pericellular membrane of A549 cells, which may provide a new target for molecular therapy of NSCLC.
Key words:  ATP synthetase complexes  carcinoma,non-small-cell-lung  immunohistochemistry  immunofluorescence