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(1.上海浦东新区公利医院耳鼻咽喉科,上海 200135;2.第二军医大学长海医院耳鼻咽喉科,上海 200433)
目的:检测喉癌组织及手术切缘中P53及PCNA蛋白表达情况,探讨两者的表达与术后局部复发的关系。方法:选择36例原发灶为鳞状细胞癌、手术切缘组织病理学肿瘤阴性者,对喉癌组织及切缘连续切片,行H-E染色,以免疫组化染色方法分别进行P53及PCNA蛋白检测。结果:36例中原发灶组织中P53阳性率是55.6%(20/36),PCNA阳性率88.9% (32/36);手术切缘组织P53阳性率25%(9/36),PCNA阳性率30.6%(11/36)。喉癌原发灶组织中P53及PCNA阳性者的复发率35%(7/20)和 25%(8/32)高于阴性者12.5%(2/16)和 25%(1/4)。手术切缘中P53及PCNA阳性者的复发率44.4%(4/9)和 72.7%(8/11)高于阴性者18.5%(5/27)和 4%(1/25)。喉癌组织中P53、PCNA蛋白表达同时异常,且手术切缘组织P53及PCNA蛋白表达也同时异常,术后复发率为 100%(4/4)。结论:P53及PCNA蛋白检测可以作为预测喉癌术后局部危险性的生物学标志,在病理学阴性手术切缘组织中两者联合检测对于判断术后局部复发有更大的意义。
关键词:  P53  PCNA  喉肿瘤  局部复发
基金项目:上海市浦东新区医学优秀学科带头人资金资助课题(PWRd2006-07); 上海市浦东新区卫生系统重点学科建设资助课题(PWEXK2007-12).
Relationship of local recurrence with expression of protein P53 and PCNA in laryngeal carcinoma and its surgical margins
SUN Guang-bin1*,TANG Hai-hong2,FANG Qin1,ZHOU Shui-miao2,LI Zhao-ji2
(1.Department of Otolaryngology,Gongli Hospital of Pudong New Area,Shanghai 200135,China;2.Department of Otolaryngology,Changhai Hospital,Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200433)
Objective:To explore the relationship of the local recurrence with the expression of protein P53 and PCNA in the primary lesions and the surgical margins of laryngeal carcinoma.Methods:The primary lesions and the surgical margins of laryngeal carcinoma of 36 patients were made into serial sections.Immunochemical method (H-E staining) was used to detect the expression of P53 and PCNA protein.Results:The positive rates of protein P53 and PCNA were 55.6% (20/36) and 88.9% (32/36) in the primary lesions,and 25%(9/36) and 30.6%(11/36) in the surgical margins,respectively.The recurrent rates of the primary lesions positive for P53 and PCNA were 35%(7/20) and 25%(8/32),respectively,which were higher than those negative for them (12.5%\[2/16\] and 25%\[1/4\]).The recurrent rates of surgical margins positive for p53 and PCNA were 44.4% (4/9) and 72.7% (8/11),respectively,which were higher than those negative for them (18.5%\[5/27\] and 4%\[1/25\]).The expression of P53 and PCNA proteins in the primary lesions and surgical margins was abnormal; the recurrent rate of the laryngeal carcinoma was 100% (4/4) after surgery.Conclusion:P53 and PCNA protein can be used as biomarkers for local recurrence of laryngeal carcinoma after operation.Detection of P53 and PCNA in both the primary lesions and the surgical margins may be of greater significance in forecasting local recurrence.
Key words:  P53  PCNA  laryngeal neoplasms  local recurrence