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(第二军医大学长海医院口腔科,上海 200433)
目的:测量上海地区健康汉族成人牙龈颜色,探讨牙龈颜色分布规律及影响因素。方法:应用Minolta CR-321接触式色差仪测量上海地区健康汉族成人牙龈若干设定检测部位牙龈颜色,获得各部位CIE-1976- L*a*b*值,对结果进行统计分析,总结牙龈颜色分布规律,探讨年龄、性别对牙龈颜色的影响。结果:上海地区健康汉族成年女性的中切牙中线附着龈(P=0.006 1)、中切牙游离龈(P=0.032 4)、中切牙根部附着龈(P=0.029 7)、中切牙远中根间附着龈(P=0.032 4)的L*值比男性高,中线附着龈的a*、b* (P=0.008 3、0.002 0)比男性高,其余a*、b*值男女间无统计学差异。上海地区健康汉族成人游离龈与附着龈的色差ΔE>2,二者存在色差,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);(ΔL*)2对ΔE影响最大(b’=0.882 16),(Δa*)2其次(b’=0.230 97),(Δb*)2最小(b’=0.066 32)。上海地区健康汉族成人牙龈的L*、a*、b*值与年龄无明显相关。结论:上海地区健康汉族成人牙龈颜色及色差变化受性别、年龄的影响很小,游离龈与附着龈色差明显。
关键词:  汉族;中切牙;牙龈;颜色  上海
Influencing factors of gingival color in central incisor area of healthy Han nationality in Shanghai
LI Hong-jiao,WANG Shao-hai,QIU Xiao-qian,TANG Wei-zhong,ZHU Qiang,WANG Da-lin*
(Department of Stomatology,Changhai Hospital,Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200433,China)
Objective:To observe the gingival color of healthy Han nationality in Shanghai,so as to discuss the gingival color distribution and its influencing factors.Methods: The Chroma Meter CR-321 was used to obtain the CIE-1976-L*a*b* value in predefined testing spots of gingiva in healthy Han nationality in Shanghai.The gingival color distribution and the influences of age,sex on the gingival color were summarized.Results: We found that the L* values of attached gingiva of the median line(P=0.006 1),free gingiva of central incisor(P=0.032 4),attached gingiva in the root of central incisor (P=0.029 7),and distal incisor attached gingiva (P=0.032 4) in the female were significantly higher than those in the male; the a* b* values in attached gingiva of median line (P=0.008 3,P=0.002 0) were significantly higher than those in male; and the other a* ,b* values were similar between the males and females.The color difference ΔE between free gingiva and attached gingiva was > 2 (P<0.01) .ΔL*2 had the greatest influence on ΔE,with the standardized regression coefficient being b’=0.882 16,followed by Δa*2 and Δb*2 in order,with b’ being 0.230 97 and 0.066 32,respectively.L*,a*,and b* values had no obvious relation to age.Conclusion: It is indicated that sex and age have little influence on the color of gingiva in Han nationality in Shanghai.Obvious color difference exists between the free gingiva and the attatched gingiva.
Key words:  Han nationality  central incisor  gingiva  color  Shanghai