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(1. 同济大学医学院生理学教研室,上海 200092;
2. 上海市东辉职业技术学校,上海 201204;
3. 上海交通大学医学院附属精神卫生中心,上海 200030;
4. 同济大学医学院精神病学系,上海 200092
关键词:  青少年  家庭关系  抑郁  焦虑
Effects of family interaction on depression and anxiety in secondary vocational school students
SUN Zhi-qi1,SONG Liang2,SHI Zhen-yu3,REN Xiao-dan1,WU Zhi-min2,ZHANG Li-xin2,WANG Dan2,LU Yao-qin2,ZHU Xiao-hong2,ZHU Xin-yan1,ZHAO Xu-dong1,ZHU Bing-gen1,4*
(1. Department of Physiology, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China;
2. Shanghai Donghui Vocational School, Shanghai 201204, China;
3. Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200030, China;
4. Department of Psychiatry, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China
*Corresponding author.)
ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of family interaction on depression and anxiety in secondary vocational school students. MethodsA total of 95 students in a secondary vocational school in Shanghai were investigated by Family Assessment Device (FAD), Questionnaire of Systemic Family Dynamics (QSFD), Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D), State-Tand Anxiety Inuentory (STAI) and Adolescent Life Events Questionnaire (ALEQ). Pearson correlation and hierarchical multiple linear regression were employed to analyze the data collected. ResultsFamily interaction and adolescent life events were both significantly correlated with depression and anxiety in the subjects (P<0.05). When the impact of adolescent life events was controlled, hierarchical regression analysis showed that affective intervention (β=0.417, P<0.01), affective reaction (β=0.275, P<0.05) and problem solving (β=0.223, P<0.05) were correlated with depression; affective reaction (β=0.414, P<0.05) was correlated with state anxiety; and affective reaction (β=0.333, P<0.01) and disease conception (β=-0.239, P<0.05) were correlated with trait anxiety. ConclusionIt is suggested that family interaction is correlated with depression and anxiety in secondary vocational school students, and family interaction may play an important role in mental health of secondary vocational school students.
Key words:  adolescent  family relations  depression  anxiety