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(重庆医科大学公共卫生与管理学院, 医学与社会发展研究中心, 健康领域社会风险预测治理协同创新中心, 重庆 400016
目的 通过对重庆市儿童生存质量的抽样调查,以非留守儿童为参照了解留守儿童生存质量现状,探讨影响儿童生存质量的相关因素,了解"留守"对儿童生存质量的影响,为改善儿童生存质量的措施提供参考依据。方法 采用多阶段整群抽样的方法对重庆市儿童进行抽样,通过入户的方式进行调查,利用PedsQL4.0儿童生存质量量表中文版测量儿童生存质量。通过计算量表得分来评价留守儿童和非留守儿童生存质量现状,通过多因素分析探索影响儿童生存质量的因素。结果 重庆市留守儿童生存质量总分、生理功能得分、情感功能得分、社会功能得分、角色(学校表现)功能得分分别为82.50±11.56、87.03±13.58、77.55±16.05、85.64±14.85、77.05±14.22,非留守儿童上述各项得分分别为86.72±10.12、89.96±11.67、83.26±14.65、90.66±12.44、81.08±13.67,留守儿童生存质量总分及各维度得分均低于非留守儿童(P<0.01);多元线性回归分析发现是否留守(留守状态)、年龄、家庭人均支出是影响儿童生存质量的主要因素,其中是否留守影响最大,且是否留守对情感功能、社会功能和角色功能亦有重要影响。结论 消除"留守"现象是改善儿童生存质量、提高其身心健康水平的直接手段。在城乡社会经济发展尚存在差别、"留守"现象暂时无法完全消除的情况下,家庭、学校、社会应高度重视,采取相应措施,共同构建留守儿童身心健康保护网络,促进留守儿童健康成长。
关键词:  留守儿童  生活质量  影响因素  抽样研究
The influence of “left-behind phenomenon” on quality of life of children in Chongqing
XING Qing-yun,ZHONG Xiao-ni*,YANG Guo-jing
(School of Public Health and Management, Chongqing Medical University, Research Center for Medicine and Social Development, Innovation Center for Social Risk Governance in Health, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China
*Corresponding author)
Objective To study the life quality status of left-behind children and its influencing factors by a sampling survey comparing with the non-left-behind children in Chongqing, so as to provide a basis for improving children's quality of life. Methods We adopted a multistage cluster sampling and conducted surveys by home visiting; the children's quality of life was assessed with Chinese version of PedsQL4.0 children's quality of life measuring scale. The life quality status of left-behind and non-left-behind children was evaluated by their scale scores, and the factors influencing children's quality of life were analyzed by multiple-factor analysis. Results The scores of total score of life quality, physiological function, emotional function, social function, and role (performance in school) function of left-behind children in Chongqing were 82.50±11.56, 87.03±13.58, 77.55±16.05, 85.64±14.85, and 77.05±14.22, respectively; and the scores for un-left-behind children were 86.72±10.12, 89.96±11.67, 83.26±14.65, 90.66±12.44, and 81.08±13.67, respectively. The total score and scores of each dimension of left-behind children were all significantly lower than those of non-left-behind children (P<0.01). Multiple linear regression analysis found that the left-behind status, age, and per capita expenditure of a family were the main factors influencing the children's quality of life, with the left-behind status having the greatest influence; moreover, the left-behind status could greatly influence the emotional function, social function and role function. Conclusion To reduce "left-behind" phenomenon is a direct method to improve children's quality of life and increase their physical and psychological health. When "left-behind" phenomenon can not be completely eliminated, families, schools and society should pay more attention to left-behind children, making joint efforts to protect the physical and psychological health of left-behind children.
Key words:  left-behind children  quality of life  influence factors  sampling studies