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(1. 上海海事大学物流工程学院机电控制教研室, 上海 201306;
2. 海军军医大学(第二军医大学)海军医学系海军军事卫勤与装备教研室, 上海 200433;
3. 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院现代设计研究所, 上海 200240
目的 设计一种便携式遥操作海上落水人员捞救器。方法 结合海上具体环境和机载特性,吸取现有海上救援器的优点,利用质量功能展开法对捞救器进行功能分析与目标特性设计。从6种捞救器概念设计方案中选出最佳的三角捞救器,并用STAR-CCM+软件进行表面压力分布仿真分析,用ANSYS Workbench软件进行变形量、应力、应变能分析,用失效模式和效果分析(FMEA)进行可靠性分析。结果 三角捞救器满足STAR-CCM+软件的表面压力分布仿真分析和ANSYS Workbench软件的变形量、应力、应变能分析,达到了消耗能量低、敏捷性好的要求。对可靠性分析中可能出现的失效起因做了针对性处理。结论 本研究设计的便携式遥操作海上落水人员捞救器具有轻便、机动性强、安全性高等特点,能为海上救援提供很大帮助,具有一定的军事价值及社会、经济效益。
关键词:  海上捞救  便携式捞救器  遥操作  落水人员
Design of portable teleoperated marine rescue device
CHU Jing1,WEI Gao-feng2*,ZHANG Zhi-nan3,LI Yong1
(1. Department of Mechanical and Electrical Control, Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China;
2. Department of Naval Health Service and Medical Equipment, Faculty of Naval Medicine, Naval Medical University(Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200433, China;
3. Institute of Modern Design, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
*Corresponding author)
Objective To design a portable teleoperated rescue device for persons who fell into the sea. Methods The function analysis of rescue device and the design of target properties were performed using the quality function deployment method by summarizing the advantages of existing marine rescuers, marine environment and airborne characteristics. The optimal triangle rescuer was selected from six conceptual design schemes. The simulated analysis of surface pressure distribution was carried out with STAR-CCM+ software. The deformation, stress and strain energy were analyzed with ANSYS Workbench software. The reliability analysis was performed with failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Results The triangle rescue device met the requirements of STAR-CCM+ analysis and ANSYS Workbench analysis, and achieved low energy consumption and good agility. The possible causes of failure in reliability analysis were dealt with accordingly. Conclusion The design of portable teleoperated marine rescue device has the characteristics of portability, strong maneuverability and high safety. It can provide great help for maritime rescue and has certain military, social and economic values.
Key words:  salvage at sea  portable rescue device  teleoperation  drowning personnels