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(海军军医大学(第二军医大学)长征医院神经内科, 上海 200003
关键词:  舰艇官兵  水面舰艇  睡眠  影响因素  健康管理  海军
Sleep and its influencing factors of naval warship officers and soldiers: a research advance
ZHAO Yu-cheng,CHEN Xiao-han,MA Yue-jin,ZHUANG Jian-hua,HE Bin,ZHAO Zhong-xin,YIN You*
(Department of Neurology, Changzheng Hospital, Naval Medical University (Second Military Medical University), Shanghai 200003, China
*Corresponding author)
Sleep disorder refers to insufficient sleep and/or abnormal behavior episodes during sleep, and it is also a disorder of sleep-wake rhythms. In recent years, with the growth of Chinese military strength and maritime power awareness, naval ship forces having increasingly more maritime missions, and the sleeping problem of warship officers and soldiers has become a research focus. This article reviews the current status, influencing factors and improvement methods of sleep of warship officers and soldiers in recent years, suggesting that the incidence of sleep disorders is high in warship officers and soldiers, which is related to education level, personality, cabin environment, emotion, sailing duration and sailing experience. The application of sleep health management in officers and soldiers has achieved good results. In the future, portable sleep monitoring equipment should be developed to improve the sleep problems of officers and soldiers.
Key words:  warship officers and soldiers  surface warship  sleep  influencing factors  health management  navy