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(1. 空军特色医学中心加速度生理研究室, 北京 100142;
2. 解放军 95809 部队医院, 沧州 061000
目的 对本课题组前期提出的适用于飞行教官的抗荷动作进行表面肌电图评价。方法 纳入18~20岁受试者8人,试验设备采用AMST-HC-4E型载人离心机,根据初教机与高教机飞机性能及载荷特点编制3.0G60s、4.0G50s、5.0G40s、6.0G30s及7.0G20s共5条离心机加速度曲线,分别评价FT动作及HP动作的抗荷效果,同时利用表面肌电技术观察不同载荷下2种抗荷动作训练前后肌肉用力的变化及肌肉激活的情况。结果 训练后,受试者使用FT动作与HP动作时抗荷耐量均较训练前增加,与训练前相比,FT动作组增加60.8%,HP动作组增加34.6%,FT动作+KH-X抗荷服组增加50.5%,HP动作+KH-X抗荷服组增加51.7%,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05);表面肌电测试结果显示,训练后FT动作组及HP动作组的积分肌电值(iEMG)均呈下降趋势,其中FT动作组2.5G10s载荷下右腓肠肌、3.0G60s载荷下左右腹直肌及右腓肠肌、5.0G40s载荷+KH-X抗荷服下左腹直肌训练后的iEMG值下降差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。3.0G60s载荷下,FT动作组左胫骨前肌iEMG高于HP动作组(P<0.05);4.0G50s载荷+KH-X抗荷服及5.0G40s载荷+KH-X抗荷服下,HP动作组左腹直肌iEMG高于FT动作组(P均<0.05)。结论 表面肌电图评价结果表明,适用于飞行教官的FT动作抗荷效果显著。
关键词:  加速度  飞行教官  抗荷动作  表面肌电图  载人离心机
Surface electromyography assessment of a new anti-G straining maneuver for flight instructors
YANG Jinghui1,WANG Haixia1,YANG Minghao1,LI Baohui1,TAN Qingpo2,XU Yan1*
(1. Department of Acceleration Physiology, Air Force Medical Center, Beijing 100142, China;
2. No. 95809 Troop Hospital of PLA, Cangzhou 061000, Hebei, China
*Corresponding author)
Objective To evaluate the anti-G effect of an anti-G straining maneuver (AGSM) for flight instructors proposed earlier by our research group using surface electromyography (sEMG). Methods Eight subjects aged 18-20 years were enrolled. The test equipment was AMST-HC-4E manned centrifuge. According to the performance and load characteristics of primary and advanced trainers, 5 centrifuge acceleration curves of 3.0G60s, 4.0G50s, 5.0G40s, 6.0G30s and 7.0G20s were compiled to evaluate the anti-G effect of FT maneuver and HP maneuver, respectively. At the same time, sEMG was used to observe the changes of muscle strength and muscle activation of 2 AGSMs before and after training under different loads. Results After training, the G tolerance of subjects using FT maneuver and HP maneuver was significantly higher than that before training. Compared with before training, the G tolerance of subjects in FT maneuver group increased by 60.8%, HP maneuver group increased by 34.6%, FT maneuver+KH-X anti-G suit group increased by 50.5%, and HP maneuver+KH-X anti-G suit group increased by 51.7% (all P<0.05). The results of sEMG test showed that muscle integrated electromyography (iEMG) of subjects using FT maneuver and HP maneuver all showed a downward trend after training. Significant differences were found in the decrease of iEMG values of the right gastrocnemius muscle under 2.5G10s load, left and right rectus abdominis muscle and right gastrocnemius muscle under 3.0G60s load, and left rectus abdominis muscle under 5.0G40s load+KH-X anti-G suit before and after training (all P<0.05). Compared with HP maneuver, left anterior tibial muscle iEMG of subjects using FT maneuver under 3.0G60s load was significantly higher (P< 0.05). The left rectus abdominis muscle iEMG of subjects using HP maneuver was significantly higher than that of subjects using FT maneuver in 4.0G50s load+KH-X anti-G suit and 5.0G40s load+KH-X anti-G suit groups (both P<0.05). Conclusion sEMG assessment has showed that the anti-G effect of FT maneuver proposed for flight instructors is good.
Key words:  cceleration  fight instructors  anti-G straining maneuver  surface electromyography  human centrifuge