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(1. 中国人民解放军海军第九七一医院骨二科, 青岛 266071;
2. 中国人民解放军总医院骨科, 北岛 266071
目的 通过缝线编织法对肌腱移植物预置高强度缝线,以减轻术后肌腱移植物发生蠕变松弛所造成的力学影响。方法 取新鲜猪跟腱标本,制成前交叉韧带肌腱移植物30个,随机分为对照组、2股缝线置入组、4股缝线置入组,每组10个。对照组肌腱移植物不予缝线置入,2股缝线置入组、4股缝线置入组在肌腱移植物内分别预置2股、4股高强度2号缝线。各组肌腱移植物依次完成1、100、500、1 000、1 500、2 000、2 500、3 000次疲劳测试,记录松弛度。最后以5 cm/min的恒定速率牵拉各组肌腱移植物至其失效,并记录松弛度达到5 mm时的牵引力,即失效载荷。结果 2股缝线置入组、4股缝线置入组肌腱移植物各次疲劳测试后松弛度均小于对照组,且4股缝线置入组松弛度小于2股缝线置入组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。2股缝线置入组、4股缝线置入组肌腱移植物失效载荷均高于对照组,且4股缝线置入组失效载荷高于2股缝线置入组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 通过缝线编织法对肌腱移植物进行预置线操作可有效提高肌腱移植物的力学性能。
关键词:  肌腱移植物  缝线编织  生物力学  运动医学
Biomechanical effect of pre-setting high-strength sutures by suture weaving on tendon grafts
CHANG Han1,ZHANG Wei1,LIU Yujie2,WANG Ji1,LI Fei1,QI Wei2*
(1. Department of Orthopedics (Ⅱ), No. 971 Hospital of PLA Navy, Qingdao 266071, Shandong, China;
2. Department of Orthopedics, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China
*Corresponding author)
Objective To reduce the mechanical impact caused by postoperative creep and relaxation of tendon grafts by pre-setting high-strength sutures using suture weaving. Methods Fresh pig tendo calcaneus specimens were used to prepare 30 anterior cruciate ligament tendon grafts, and they were randomly divided into control group, 2-strand suture implantation group, and 4-strand suture implantation group, with 10 tendon grafts in each group.The control group were not given suture implantation in the tendon grafts, and the 2- and 4-strand suture implantation groups were pre-set 2 and 4 strands of high-strength No.2 sutures, respectively.The tendon grafts in each group were subjected to 1, 100, 500, 1 000, 1 500, 2 000, 2 500, and 3 000 fatigue tests in turn, and the relaxation was recorded.Finally, the tendon grafts in each group were pulled to failure at a constant rate of 5 cm/min, and the traction force when the relaxation reached 5 mm, i.e.the failure load, was recorded. Results The relaxation of tendon grafts after each fatigue test was significantly lower in the 2- and 4-strand suture implantation groups than that in the control group, and the relaxation was significantly lower in the 4-strand suture implantation group than that in the 2-strand suture implantation group (all P<0.05).The failure loads of tendon grafts were significantly higher in the 2- and 4-strand suture implantation groups than that in the control group, and the failure load was significantly higher in the 4-strand suture implantation group than that in the 2-strand suture implantation group (all P<0.05). Conclusion Pre-setting high-strength sutures in tendon grafts by suture weaving can effectively improve the mechanical properties of tendon grafts.
Key words:  tendon grafts  suture weaving  biomechanics  sports medicine