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关键词:  肝炎病毒,乙型、HBeAg、假阴性反应、酶联免疫吸附测定、化学发光测定法
Cause of HBeAg false-negative reaction and it countermeasures
WU Shu-mei,LIN Yun,WANG Hui,TANG Ping,QIN Qin,SHEN Qian
Objective:To analyze the cause of HBeAg (one of HBV markers) false-negative reaction during ELISA examination and to discuss its countermeasures. Methods: The patients who were HBsAg (+) , HBcAb (+) and HBeAg (-) by ELISA examination were further detected with the reagents of 4 different manufacturers in 2 steps: (1) The serum samples positive of HBsAg and HBcAb by ELISA using reagent A were further detected by qualitative analysis and Double-antibody sandwich ELISA using reagent A , B and C. (2) Reagent D (chemiluminescence method) was used to confirm the diagnosis if the results were positive or weakly positive of HBeAg, or the D values were within a specific range by ELISA using reagent A, B or C. The result of reagent D was taken as the final result. Results: The 274 sera negative of HBeAg were still negative when using reagent A, with the false-negative rate being 2.18%; 5 sera were positive when using reagent B, with false-negative rate being 0.36% ; and 6 sera (including the 5 positive ones using reagent B and 1 negative case using reagent A and B) were positive when using reagent C, without false-negative case. All the 6 positive samples were confirmed by chemiluminescence using reagent D. Conclusion: It is suggested that ELISA examination using reagent A or B can lead to false-negative results of HBeAg. HBsAg (+), HBcAb (+) and HBeAg (-) sera in ELISA examination should be examined with combinations of reagents of different manufacturers.
Key words:  hepatitis B virus  HBeAg  false-negaitive reactions  enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay  chemiluminescent