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关键词:  肝肿瘤、门静脉癌栓、金属内支架、门静脉、经动脉化疗栓塞术
Portal vein stenting combined with transcatheter hepatic arterial chemoembolization in treatment of portal vein tumor thrombus in patients with primary hepatic carcinoma
LI Wen-tao,DONG Sheng,JIA Ning-yang,OUYANG Qiang,YAN Bing
Objeetive:To discuss the clinical outcomes of portal vein stenting combined with transeatheter hepatic arterial ehemoembolization (TACE) in treating portal vein tumor thrombus in the patients with primary hepatic carcinoma (PHC). Methods: Eleven PHC patients with tumor thrombus in the main branch or trunk of the portal vein were treated with stenting and TACE simultaneously (or TACE were performed 1 week later). The successful rate of the procedure, the pateney of the obstruction, the complications, the mortality and the survival periods were all recorded. Results: Portal vein puncture was sueeessfully performed in all 11 eases and successful stenting was achieved in 10 eases. Hepatic eneephalopathy combined with hepatic failure was noticed in 1 patient. The median pateney period after stenting was 5.7 (1-18) months. The survival rates of patients at 3, 6 and 12 months after treatment were 5/ 11,4/ 11 and 2/ 11, respectively. Conelusion: Metallic stent implantation combined with TACE has satisfactory outcome in treating tumor thrombus in the main branch and trunk of the portal vein in PHC patients without distant metastases.
Key words:  liver neoplasms  portal cancerous thrombus  metallic stent  portal vein  transeatheter hepatic arterial ehemoembdization