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目的:调查分析我军维和医疗队部署前培训现状并提出改进建议。方法:采用问卷调查、现场调研以及召开座谈会的方式,对沈阳、北京、兰州、成都、济南五个战区参与维和培训的部分人员以及外军留学生进行调研;应用Microsoft Excel和SPSS 21.0对调查进行描述分析。结果:我军各级重视维和卫勤保障,选调人员综合素质高,但英语交流能力需强化训练;各单位自行组织培训,训练条件因陋就简,缺乏专业师资和教材;缺乏科学考核评估体系。建议:重视英语能力培训,建设全军维和训练基地,实施由第三方组织的基地化训练,实现规范化、集约化、标准化维和卫勤培训。
关键词:  维和医疗队  部署前培训  现状调查
Research and Analysis on current situation of pre-deployment trainingfor Peacekeeping Medical Units
DUAN Zeng-jie,CHEN Jia-yi,LIU Cheng-gang,ZHAO Zhong-hua,WANG Jiu-sheng
(Faculty of Health Service,Second military medical university;NO hospital,PLA Shenyang military Area Command,Dandong,Liaoning;Faculty of Health Service,Second military medical university;China;NO hospital,PLA Shenyang military Area Command,Dandong,Liaoning,;China)
Objective: To understand the status quo of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s (CPLA) pre-deployment trainings for peacekeeping medical contingents and propose suggestion for improvement. Methods: We conducted questionnaires, field investigations and focus group discussions among the CPLA’s participants of trainings, and a focus group discussion among foreign military officers at the CIE, SMMU, who had participated peacekeeping, to collect data in Shenyang, Beijing, Jinan, Lanzhou, and Chengdu Military Theaters of Operations(MTO). We then processed and analyzed the data with Microsoft Excel and SPSS. Results: The CPLA attaches great importance to the medical support for UN peacekeeping missions. Accordingly, it has nominated personnel of fine qualifications for pertinent trainings organized by respective MTOs. However, the conditions for training were generally poor and there was a shortage of professional teachers and appropriate textbooks. Suggestion: Establish peacekeeping training bases of the CPLA, intensify English language proficiency training, build a reserve of professional teachers, conduct scientific assessment and evaluation, and provide modularized and integrative trainings on medical support for peacekeeping, which are organized by a third-party institution at training bases.
Key words:  Peacekeeping medical units  pre-deployment training  current situation research